Introduction to Phantom Stocks and SARs

Phantom stocks and Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs) are popular forms of equity compensation in many companies. These tools offer employees a way to participate in the companys growth and success without actually owning company stock. In this article, we will explore what phantom stocks and SARs are, how they work, and their benefits for both companies and employees.

What are Phantom Stocks?

Phantom stocks are a type of long-term incentive plan that mimics the value of company shares. Instead of granting actual shares, the company awards employees phantom units tied to the companys stock value. These units typically grow in value over time and are paid out to employees when certain conditions are met.

Phantom stocks provide employees with a sense of ownership and allow them to share in the companys financial success. However, unlike actual stocks, phantom stocks do not provide voting rights or dividends. They are purely a form of cash incentive tied to the companys performance.

How do Phantom Stocks Work?

When employees are granted phantom stocks, they are typically given a certain number of units. The value of these units is tied to the companys stock price. As the companys stock price increases over time, the value of the employees phantom stocks also grows.

At a predetermined time or event, such as a sale or IPO of the company, the employee is entitled to receive a cash payment equal to the value of the phantom stocks they hold. This payment is usually taxed as ordinary income. The timing and conditions for payout can vary depending on the companys plan.

What are Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs)?

SARs are another form of equity compensation that give employees the right to receive the appreciation in the value of a certain number of shares over a specified period. SARs are granted without any actual shares being issued, which makes them a popular choice for privately held companies.

When employees exercise their SARs, they receive a cash payment equal to the difference between the market price of the companys stock at the time of exercise and the grant price of the SARs. This cash payment is typically taxed as ordinary income.

Benefits of Phantom Stocks and SARs

Both phantom stocks and SARs offer several benefits for companies and employees. For employees, these equity compensation tools provide a way to share in the financial success of the company without the need to purchase actual shares. They also provide motivation and incentive to work towards the companys growth and profitability.

For companies, phantom stocks and SARs help attract and retain top talent by offering them a stake in the companys performance. These tools can also align the interests of employees with those of the shareholders, fostering a sense of ownership and loyalty. Furthermore, since phantom stocks and SARs are not actual shares, they do not dilute the ownership of existing shareholders.


Phantom stocks and SARs are valuable tools for companies looking to provide equity compensation to their employees. These instruments offer a way for employees to benefit from the companys success without actually owning stock. Both phantom stocks and SARs provide employees with a sense of ownership and align their interests with those of the companys shareholders. Companies can use these tools to attract and retain top talent, motivate employees, and foster loyalty and commitment.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvad er definitionen af ​​phantom stocks og SARs?

Phantom stocks og SARs (Stock Appreciation Rights) er incitamentsordninger, der giver medarbejdere ret til at modtage en økonomisk kompensation, der svarer til værdien af ​​virksomhedens aktier uden at give dem faktisk ejerskab af aktierne.

Hvilken type incitamentsordning er phantom stocks?

Phantom stocks er en form for ejerskabsplan, hvor medarbejderne ikke får ejerskab af aktierne, men i stedet modtager en kontantudbetaling baseret på aktiernes værdi.

Hvad er formålet med at implementere phantom stocks?

Formålet med at implementere phantom stocks er at tilskynde og motivere medarbejderne til at arbejde hårdere for at øge virksomhedens værdi og aktiekurs, da de bliver direkte påvirket af deres kompensation.

Hvordan fungerer phantom stocks?

Ved implementering af phantom stocks tildeles medarbejderne en virtuel aktieenhed. Når aktiekursen stiger, får medarbejderne en kontantudbetaling baseret på forskellen mellem den aktuelle værdi og den oprindelige værdi af de tildelte aktieenheder.

Hvordan adskiller SARs sig fra phantom stocks?

Mens phantom stocks simulerer værdien af ​​virksomhedens aktier, giver SARs medarbejderne ret til at modtage en kontantudbetaling, der svarer til forskellen mellem aktiekursen ved tildeling og aktiekursen ved udløb.

Hvordan fungerer SARs?

Når medarbejderne får tildelt SARs, fastsættes en basepris. Ved udløb beregnes forskellen mellem den aktuelle aktiekurs og baseprisen, og medarbejderne modtager en kontantudbetaling svarende til denne forskel.

Er der nogen skattemæssige konsekvenser ved implementering af phantom stocks og SARs?

Ja, der er skattemæssige konsekvenser for både virksomheden og medarbejderne. Medarbejderne skal betale skat af den kontantudbetaling, de modtager, og virksomheden kan have visse skatteregnskabsmæssige forpligtelser.

Hvordan påvirker phantom stocks og SARs virksomhedens balancerede scorekort?

Implementeringen af ​​phantom stocks og SARs kan være positiv for virksomhedens balancerede scorekort, da incitamentsordningerne kan øge medarbejdernes motivation og engagement, hvilket kan føre til forbedret produktivitet og resultater.

Er phantom stocks og SARs reguleret af lovgivning i Danmark?

Der er ingen specifikke love eller reguleringer i Danmark, der udelukkende omhandler phantom stocks og SARs. Men de er underlagt generel beskatningslovgivning og arbejdsretlige regler.

Har phantom stocks og SARs nogen begrænsninger eller risici?

Ja, der er visse begrænsninger og risici ved implementering af phantom stocks og SARs. For virksomheden kan det omfatte økonomiske forpligtelser og skatteimplikationer, mens medarbejderne risikerer, at værdien af ​​de tildelte enheder falder eller ikke opfylder deres forventninger.

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