What Financial Statement Lists Retained Earnings?

Retained earnings is an important financial measure that reflects the accumulated profits of a company that have not been distributed to shareholders as dividends. It represents the portion of a companys net income that is reinvested back into the business rather than distributed to shareholders. The statement that lists retained earnings can vary depending on the accounting system used by a company, but it is typically found in either the balance sheet or the income statement.

The Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a companys financial position at a specific point in time. It shows a companys assets, liabilities, and equity. Retained earnings are listed as a component of the equity section of the balance sheet.

Within the equity section, retained earnings are often presented as a separate line item or aggregated with other components such as contributed capital or additional paid-in capital. The balance sheet provides a summary of the accumulated profits of the company since its inception, minus any dividends that have been paid out to shareholders.

The balance sheet provides useful information for investors and stakeholders to evaluate a companys financial health and stability. It shows the level of reinvestment into the business, which can indicate the companys growth prospects and its ability to generate profits that are retained for future use.

The Income Statement

The income statement, also known as the profit and loss statement or statement of comprehensive income, is a financial statement that summarizes a companys revenues, expenses, gains, and losses over a specific period of time. It provides information about a companys profitability and its ability to generate net income.

While retained earnings are not directly listed on the income statement, they are an essential part of the calculation. The net income derived from the income statement is used to calculate the increase or decrease in retained earnings over the period.

The income statement helps investors and stakeholders understand a companys financial performance by showing the revenue generated from its operations and the expenses incurred to generate that revenue. It also shows other income or expenses that may not be directly related to the core operations of the business.


In conclusion, retained earnings are an important financial measure that represents the accumulated profits of a company that have not been distributed to shareholders. The exact statement that lists retained earnings depends on the accounting system used by a company. It can be found in the balance sheet, where it is listed as a component of the equity section, or it can be indirectly derived from the net income shown in the income statement. Both the balance sheet and the income statement provide valuable insights into a companys financial position and performance, and understanding retained earnings is crucial for assessing a companys reinvestment and growth strategies.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvad er en balance?

En balance er en finansiel opgørelse, der viser virksomhedens aktiver, passiver og egenkapital på et givet tidspunkt.

Hvad er egenkapital?

Egenkapitalen repræsenterer virksomhedens værdi for ejerne og består af indskud fra ejerne samt det akkumulerede overskud, der er blevet fastholdt i virksomheden, hvilket ofte kaldes retained earnings, eller beholdte overskud.

Hvad er retained earnings?

Retained earnings refererer til det akkumulerede overskud, som en virksomhed har holdt tilbage og ikke udbetalt til ejerne eller aktionærerne. Det er en del af virksomhedens egenkapital på balancen.

Hvilken finansiel opgørelse indeholder oplysninger om retained earnings?

Retained earnings oplysninger findes normalt på egenkapitalafsnittet i virksomhedens balance.

Hvad er forskellen mellem balancen og resultatopgørelsen?

Balancen viser virksomhedens økonomiske stilling på et givet tidspunkt, mens resultatopgørelsen viser virksomhedens indtjening og udgifter i en bestemt periode.

Hvorfor er retained earnings vigtige for virksomheden?

Retained earnings er vigtige, fordi de viser det beløb af overskuddet, som virksomheden har bevaret og ikke udbetalt til ejerne. Disse midler kan bruges til investeringer eller til at dække fremtidige tab.

Hvordan beregnes retained earnings?

Retained earnings beregnes ved at tage det tidligere års retained earnings og tilføje overskuddet for det nuværende år, fratrukket eventuelle udbytter eller udbetalinger til ejerne.

Hvordan kan retained earnings bruges af virksomheden?

Retained earnings kan bruges til at finansiere interne investeringer, reducere gæld, udbetale udbytte til aktionærerne eller opretholde en reservefond til fremtidige behov.

Hvordan påvirker en virksomheds indtjening retained earnings?

Når en virksomhed har positiv indtjening (overskud), øges retained earnings. Hvis virksomheden har negativ indtjening (underskud), reduceres retained earnings.

Er retained earnings det samme som kontanter?

Nej, retained earnings er ikke det samme som kontanter. Det er et regnskabsmæssigt begreb, der repræsenterer det akkumulerede overskud, som ikke er blevet udbetalt til ejerne. Kontanter, derimod, er de penge, virksomheden har til rådighed på et givet tidspunkt.

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